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BLOG 0002 - Change and expansion

2021 - The music

It was a pretty productive year. Seven songs were released:

Mm Hmm

Spider Lounge

The Benevolently Haunted Piano

Forgetmenot (Radio Edit)



How to Move a Piano to Mars

And launching soon, Momentum (stay tuned).

Not shabby, though I had about 100 other ideas that are either in progress or on a mental shelf. I have to be very selective about what I pursue. Maybe I should minimally produce the other stuff and sell them as beats?… but I digress.

I had the great fortune of working with numerous talented session musicians and engineers in 2021. Mm Hmm is the first release that included other instrumentalists, and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out.

(Sidenote: A lyrical version is in the works.)

In short, I’m really digging this live/programmed approach. There are numerous projects of that kind that are in production and on their way to your ears.

Here are some of the very talented people I’ve worked with and want to thank:

Adam Alesi - Drums

Felipe Ribeiro - Keys

João Paulo Drumond - Percussion

Karonda Carty - Vocals

Pedro Araújo - Pre-production

Charles Holloman - Mixing

Luiz Tornaghi - Mastering

Ernesto Noble (@nabless) - Dance

There are a few that I have a special musical bond with, but I won’t name names here. Suffice it say, sometimes people just get each other.

To sum up, working more with others has vastly upped my expected output for 2022. I’m pretty damn excited.

2021 - The personal

A lot changed in the last year. I moved several times. I made new friends and lost old ones. I learned how to flush an RV’s black water tank. I even learned to embrace a cold shower (reluctantly).

More importantly, I spent most of last year exploring my mind and behaviors. The process is ongoing. There will be more along this line in future posts, but what I’ll say now is that I’ve been bringing useless and restrictive thoughts, beliefs, and habits to light through increased self-awareness and reflection.

There’s been a lot more to find that I would like. It’s a job. But it’s also been completely worth it - and them some.

Focus and clarity are heightened.

Purpose and goals are front and center.

Fears and limitations are shrinking.

And I can feel myself expanding in every way: love, confidence, creativity, boldness, focus, determination… the list goes on.

As I said, this topic will be the subject of future posts, but all of this work is paying off big in my personal life, professional life, and musical life.

Truth be told, these aren’t really different things to me. I’m not sure what I’d be without music or my work, but I wouldn’t be the same. A strong desire to do something right and good should not be denied or ignored. So, I do it. And seeing others get something good out of what I do is the ultimate payoff.

I love you all and look forward to interacting with you in 2022. Don’t hesitate to reach out. I’ll read it.

BTW, if you haven’t seen it, I HIGHLY recommend watching the Muscle Shoals music documentary (free with ads). If you like great music and great stories, you’ll love it.

Happy New Year!