Blog 0005 - Momentum

When hope turns into expectation

It’s a good feeling when you can tell you’re getting closer to the things you want most.

That’s usually not an instant transition, in my experience. And the strength of the feeling is sometimes inconsistent. But if there is consistency in belief and action over time, things happen.

Sometimes, weird things.

On music

There are several songs nearing completion, so expect a lot of activity. These are songs I’m really happy with.

I love them, actually.

First Momentum, and it’s getting the treatment it deserves in a couple of versions.

Then there’s a lyrical version of Mm Hmm with Karonda Carty on vocals. Be ready. She has pipes.

Karonda is also going to be singing on the new live version of Forgetmenot, which is kind of jazzy and a little spacey, but when I get it where I want it, I think it’ll be really beautiful.

There’s another project with Karonda that’s based on Aretha’s “Never Loved a Man.” Nuff said there.

Last but not least, there’s Sunrise in Nashville. I’m recording strings and combining that with acoustic guitar, live keys, and some synths and FX. It’s groovy.

Wrapping up

That’s all for now. Life is busy in a very good way. Giving more can be like that sometimes. And it’s so worth it.

Much love.

See you in the future.


I am a musician, composer, producer, and the founder of Intergalactic Music. I’m available to discuss collaborations, soundtrack work, and other projects.

Purity. Focus. Energy.


Blog 0004 - Into the Attic